Thursday, June 25, 2009


We are on day 7 of early labour!

Yesterday morning the contractions were coming on strong and steady... I had a doctors appointment at 2:45 and they started to slow down just as we were leaving the house to go... I'm still having contractions but they are not as strong and further apart....

Maybe baby Tubbins just isn't sure what birthday he or she wants....

If anyone has any ideas as to how to get this labour moving into the active phase please make a comment and let me know! I'll do anything!!!


  1. I have no idea whether or not it'll work for you, but I was told that walking BACKWARDS, and/or walking up/down stairs were ways to get labour to progress.
    GOOD LUCK!! And let me know if there's anything I can do for you guys!

  2. I heard sex starts labour too. Not sure why or how I know that but that's what I have heard.

  3. Castro Oil it tastes sooooo nasty but it worked for my sis in law. Other thing that I have heard works is rubbing Raspberry oil on your tummy and drinking raspbery tea helps. Goodluck!

  4. Red raspberry leaf tea is suppose to help strengthen and tone the uterus causing contractions.
    Sex - semen has "prostaglandins" and they are suppose to to help soften the cervix and dilate...they use synthetic prostaglins when they induce women who havent gone into labour
    Castor oil...well this one you will hear yes and no from a bunch of different ppl. Its basically a laxative and can be pretty powerful on the bowel which is right there with the uterus so the though is if you get the bowel moving more it will in turn have the same effect on the uterus. A girlfriend of mine used it and it worked where another one tried it and it caused her uterus to be in an almost permanent state of contraction with barely any resting between which isnt good for babe. So if you try it...try and small dose first mixed with orange juice just to see how your body responds before upping the dose.
    And ive heard cleaning the house like a mad lady is suppose to work!
    C'mon tubbins!!!
