Sunday, July 12, 2009

McLennan (or not so McLennan) Toe

Every McLennan baby born has always had a through "McLennan Toe" inspection done by my dad at the time of birth. This only actually includes my sister and I, however Tubbins will also be receiving this same inspection, whenever he or she decides to grace us all with his or her presence!

I clearly have a very strong "McLennan Toe" and I'm assuming, if anything, Tubbins will be inheriting it!

The odd thing is that some how Tubbin's Cousin, Kiana, has also inherited it from me... we aren't quite sure how this has happened since I am only related to her by marriage. Regardless, she has a very strong "McLennan Toe", and it looks like Tubbins might also!

Kiana's McLennan Toe:
Close up:
Tubbin's McLennan Toe:

Notice how they both like to show off the "McLennan Toe" by sticking it up in the air...

Normally I would also post a picture of my "McLennan Toe", but at the moment my feet are so puffy that I don't think it is a fair representation of the true Adult "McLennan Toe", and I also don't want to scare anyone. The later reason is why I also wont be posting my Dad's seasoned McLennan Toe either!

1 comment:

  1. Hahahahaha, Colten was just commenting on the humungo size of my Mclennan toe last night. He says all my other toes are cute, but that one, well it's obviously from Dad. Enough said...
