Thursday, July 23, 2009

Shartin in the Tub!

Last night Gord and I gave Asher a bath. This time he wasn't exactly loving his bath like he normally does and was squeaking through the whole thing.

We were just finishing up, Gord went to grab the towel to wrap him up in it, since that always calms him right down, and I was lifting him out of the tub. Out of nowhere I heard him (Asher not Gord) Fart... Or rather Shart...

I think I felt it... before I heard it because he was squeaking away due to his dislike of the bath.

I quickly put his bum back into the water to rinse it off, and we wrapped him up in his cute hooded towel.

He was just starting to calm down and I was walking into the bedroom to dry him off when I heard it again...

This time is was louder and there was a lot more force behind it.

I looked down at the carpet to make sure it wasn't leaking through the towel and onto our new carpet, since it sounded pretty wet. Then I went back into the bathroom where Gord was to see how bad the damage was. Gord took one look and almost peed himself he was laughing so hard. Asher had Sharted right through the towel and it was not a small one either...

Gord and I were laughing so uncontrollably we couldn't figure out what to do. We needed the towel to dry him off and the other two hooded towels Asher has were in the wash.

We ended up cleaning his bum, and drying him off with the clean parts of the towel.

I'm not sure that towel will ever be the same. But at least it was yellow to match his mustard coloured poops!

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